コラム 北米開教百周年






At the end of June, I was in Los Angeles for the centennial celebration for Nichiren Shu in America and for the Los Angeles Betsuin. This was a wonderful celebration held over 2 days, with various memorial services, kito blessing and finally the big service.


Over 200 visitors from Japan came to celebrate with us. I saw many familiar faces among the crowd. About 100 members from all over North America attended this service. For many it was their first time experiencing a traditional Japanese service. Though many did not understand what was said, they felt the meaning of those words.


During the World Peace Kito Blessing, a videographer was on stage taping the priests chanting Ryaku Yohon. He felt this energy come through his lens. He never felt such energy and calmness at the same time. He got goosebumps! When he left the stage, the energy level was not as strong. This made a lasting impression on how powerful the Lotus Sutra really is.


After the centennial celebration, many Japanese visitors came to Las Vegas to see my temple. Even the Archbishop came for several hours to the temple. Many of our followers were impressed and grateful to have an opportunity to meet such a wonderful man.


The entire event turned out to be a big success. I am sure many of the visitors now have a better understanding of the types of proselytization we are doing in America.