コラム 歩く人(後編)
Previously I was talking to a troubled man who just happened to walk into my temple. He was confused about many things. I listened to his story about his troubled life. I tried to explain the world from a Buddhist perspective. I told him all the parables from the Lotus Sutra, especially Ch.7, the Magic City, since he was on a journey. I tried to reassure him that he was not crazy, but awakening spiritually.
He agreed with everything I was saying and that I was the first person to understand what was going through his head. You can say that his Buddhaseed was starting to grow. As a parting gift, I taught him “angya” since he was walking. Though I did not have time to fully explain the Odaimoku, I gave him a card with Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo written on it as well as how to pronounce in English phonetics. This way, he can gain the merits and protection of the Odaimoku as he continues on his journey. I have not heard if he has completed his journey, but I believe that he has reached his destination and has started a wonderful new chapter in his life.